I was SO excited this last weekend that I *finally* got to see my best friend since High School's adorable baby boy! Robert (Robby) Brueggeman the 3rd was born February 16, 2012 at 3:09 pm. 8 pounds 9 ounces, 21 1/4 inches long. I had to wait 2 whole weeks to see him and it was KILLING me. I was suppose to see him days after he was born, but had an issue with the car rental. It was probably a good thing though, since about a day after I was going to visit I came down with the flu. Anyway, I got to trek out to New Jersey and meet this adorable fella, who I have come to decide is an honorary nephew of mine. A strong argument could be made that he could be an honorary brother too since Michele was pretty much my mom (in the best way possible) during High School and some of college :)

Me and Robby!
He slept most the time, but I don't blame him! I get sensory overload at the Monteforte's house!

He's awake and look at those eyes!
Rob Jr. and Robby the 3rd
The Brueggeman family!

I love GREAT aunt Tia and Grandma Jo! So silly... Robby in a hat with a phone

How adorable is he with the little owl hat
It was so much fun spending the day with the entire Monteforte and half the Fricano clan. I love them all so much and they just crack me up.

Don't worry about me having babies anytime soon though... until I can forget all the trauma and scarring I have experienced in nursery it will be some time till Chad and I start a family.