I've come to two realizations, 1. I might never post pictures of our apartment, it's just not cute enough yet, maybe we'll finish unpacking and cleaning during the semester break and 2. I might never get Chad to post on here again...

So this post should technically be before the Thanksgiving one because it happened before, but I didn't get around to posting it. A couple weeks ago Chad and I had a lovely fall day in New York, and we actually took pictures!
This is at a cute playground we found in Central Park

Chad on top of a footbridge

You can't tell but we're standing near the sandpit and  there are boulders you can stand on by it

This was an awesome slide... I wanted to go down it, but those kids never got off :(

Chad is now under the bridge from earlier

there were a bunch of pigeons on the rocks here and as I stepped towards them they all flew away and I screamed and caused a bit of a scene

Just a cool view while walking through the park

I love the contrast of city and park in this section

All the colorful leaves

Chad loves his picture getting taken. This is in sheep's meadow , just this big open expanse of grass in the middle of the park

Me in the same spot... I really hate this picture, but I told Chad I'd post it... note how I'm still rocking the sunglasses, no one else in NY seems to in the fall/ winter

I was really excited to get this shot when I took it... now I have no idea why. But that's a pedi cab and a horse drawn carriage

This is at the park near our apartment, Morningside  Park. It's blurry but if you look close you'll see Batman!

While the missionaries were over for dinner Chad thought it would be fun to put Batman in an empty box of Peppermint Jo Jo's

So there's a bunch of pictures for you to enjoy. And in a few days I'll post pictures from Christmas time!