We had snow on Saturday! So crazy, I heard someone say that there has only been snow in New York in October 3 times since the Civil War, so we lived through a bit of New York history this morning.

Saturday morning started like most, we slowly got out of bed and got ready for the day. I had heard that there was some chance of snow tomorrow, but my weather app is a bit unreliable so I just assumed there would be a small chance of snow, but that nothing would happen. So as I was getting Batman's leash to take him on his morning walk I glanced outside and just froze. 

It took me this long to notice because we have these fabulous curtains that block out light like a dream. After we moved out of the living room into our bedroom, we were surprised to find that some people across the street have a light they like to keep blazing all night long that shines directly into our bedroom, so we took our gift cards from our wedding (THANKS!) and got some amazing, not super cute, curtains. They work so well it's actually incredibly difficult to get out of bed everyday.
The wonderful curtains
This is a really bad image of our bedroom, it's much cuter than this I promise. My next (or hopefully Chad's next post) can be pictures of our home once we're done decorating.

Anyway, these curtains made it so that I had no idea that it was snowing. So I thought, "how cold could it be?" and grabbed jeans, a sweatshirt and a knit hat and we left for the walk.

I wasn't thrilled I was getting my picture taken...

This is at the beginning of the snow

Batman's first snow... he isn't a fan.

Batman hated the snow so much that he refused to go to the bathroom and ended up holding his bladder for about 24 hours till it was done snowing and we made him stand by a tree in the snow till he went. 

We didn't take more pictures... we're really bad at that... sorry, but I guess some places in the area got over 2 feet of snow and my best friend, Michele, who lives in Jersey lost power and still hasn't gotten it back. Such a crazy storm! We still trekked out in it and went to our ward Halloween party, and I went to a friend's dance recital. I don't know why I kept going out, because all in all it was pretty miserable. Lots of thick, wet, heavy snow and some brutal winds. 

Walking on the sidewalk after a good snowfall is crazy here, you have to walk really close to the road because the iced snow slides off the rooftops and really gets some speed behind it when it comes crashing down in a human crushing fashion. It's quite frightening to be nearby when this occurs.

On an unrelated to snow note, I had a very funny experience in Nursery (2 hours with kids 2.5- 3 years old) today. Well really the whole day was crazy, but that's too much drama for this blog. The funny thing was that our lesson was on baptism today. I showed the kids a picture of Jesus being baptized and we talked for a moment about how it was Jesus and he was being baptized to make Heavenly Father happy. Then I asked, "Who wants to be baptized like Jesus?" Much to my surprise, a couple kids said no! I tried to focus on the kids that said yes, but the dissenters were loud! Realizing I lost them I decided it was time to color, assuming they wouldn't really remember anything. As one of my more "enthusiastic" kids left at the end of church I heard him declare to his mom that he did NOT want to be baptized. I was just dumbfounded. I feel like it will be all my fault if any of my nursery kids don't get baptized! Nursery sure is a humbling experience and I feel like I'm, once again, being taught about patience.